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Lady in front of a computer
Good Faces
Students participating in class activity
Dike Darion
Students listening in a classroom
Dike Darion
Students in a classroom
Dike Darion
Abandoned classroom in a dilapidated building
Tope Asokere
A non-profit organisation visits the Community Secondary School in Oginigba Community, Port Harcourt for an educational charity donation event.
Emmanuel Ikwuegbu
non-profit organisation visits the Community Secondary School in Oginigba Community, Port Harcourt for an educational charity donation event.
Emmanuel Ikwuegbu
A non-profit organization visits the Community Secondary School in Oginigba Community, Port Harcourt for an educational charity donation event.
Emmanuel Ikwuegbu
A non-profit organization visits the Community Secondary School in Oginigba Community, Port Harcourt for an educational charity donation event.
Emmanuel Ikwuegbu
A student graduation wearing a native attire
Etorniam Ahiator
Schoolgirls in uniform
Francis Tokede
Person Holding Ruler and Pencil on Spiral Notebook
Tamarcus Brown
Person Drawing on a White Sketch Pad
Tamarcus Brown
Learning and Growth
Git Gitau
Girl child
Fatima Yusuf-author-profile_picture
Fatima Yusuf
Lafia, Nigeria
Beautiful smile
Pelkines Akime-author-profile_picture
Pelkines Akime
UB street
Pelkines Akime-author-profile_picture
Pelkines Akime
Study tables
Antony Trivet
Pile of books on a table
Antony Trivet
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